As of the date of this document the Trustee responsible for Safeguarding is Elaine Nesbitt.

This organisation recognises that all children and young people have a right to protection from abuse. Warrington Youth Rowing (including its other operating names Mersey Youth Rowing,  Northwich Youth Rowing, Greater Manchester Youth Rowing, Runcorn Youth Rowing and North Staffordshire Youth Rowing) takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people. We will:

  • Respond swiftly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse. To provide parents, coaches, staff and CHILDREN / YOUNG PERSON (CYP hereafter) with the opportunity to voice or report their concerns.
  • Have a system for dealing with concerns about possible abuse.
  • Mandatory Safeguarding training for coaches, relevant trustees and staff will take place every three years with a nationally recognised provider. Upon recruitment, new coaches and staff must provide evidence of up to date safeguarding training or take part in relevant training within three weeks of appointment. WYR organise safeguarding courses approved by UK Coaching for new staff/coaches every September.
  • Maintain good links with statutory CYP care authorities.

Effective safeguarding arrangements should aim to meet the following two key principles:

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: for this to to be effective each individual and organisation should play their full part.
  • A CYP centred approach and for this to be effective WYR have a clear understanding of the needs and views of CYP.

CHILD / YOUNG PERSON – Anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. The fact that a child has reached 16 years of age, is living independently or is in further education, is a member of the armed forces, is in hospital or in custody in the secure estate, does not change his/her status or entitlements to services or protection.


The objectives of this Child and Young People Safeguarding Policy are:

  • To explain the responsibilities the organisation and its Trustees, Managers and Coaching Staff have in respect of CYP safeguarding.
  • To provide Trustees, Staff and Coaches with an overview of CYP safeguarding.
  • To provide a clear procedure that will be implemented where CYP safeguarding issues arise.
  1. 4. THE ROLE OF Coaches

All Coaches working on behalf of the organisation have a duty to promote the welfare and safety of CYP.

Trustees and Coaches may receive disclosures of abuse and observe CYP who are at risk. This policy aims to enable people to make an informed and confident response to specific CYP safeguarding issues.


The role of the designated safeguarding lead is to deal with all instances involving CYP safeguarding that arise within the organisation. They will respond to all CYP safeguarding concerns and enquiries.

The designated CYP Safeguarding Lead for the organisation is The Trustee responsible for Safeguarding, at the date of this document the Trustee is Elaine Nesbitt.


Abuse is form of maltreatment of a CYP. Somebody may abuse or neglect a CYP by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. CYP may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or by others (e.g. via the internet). They may be abused by an adult or adults or other CYP.


PHYSICAL ABUSE — A form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a CYP. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a CYP.

EMOTIONAL ABUSE – The persistent emotional maltreatment of a CYP such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the CYP’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a CYP that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the CYP opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a CYP, though it may occur alone.

SEXUAL ABUSE – Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a CYP to take part in sexual activities including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), which may not necessarily involve a high level of violence, whether or not the CYP is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving CYP in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging CYP to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a CYP in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other CYP.

NEGLECT — Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a CYP’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the CYP’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a CYP is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:

  • provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment);
  • protect a CYP from physical and emotional harm or danger;
  • ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care – givers); or
  • ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.

It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a CYP’s basic emotional needs.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – FGM is when a female’s genitals are deliberately altered or removed for non-medical reasons. It’s also known as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘cutting’, but has many other names. FGM is a form of child abuse. It’s dangerous and a criminal offence in the UK. A child who has faced, or is worried about FGM, might not realise what’s happening is wrong. And they might even blame themselves. If a child reports to you that they are worried about FGM happening, or it has happened, it is important to listen and take their concerns seriously. It is important to then pass on your concerns to their school and to the trustee responsible for safeguarding. If you believe the child is in immediate danger, you should call the police immediately.

CHILD ON CHILD ABUSE – Child on child abuse is define in ‘Keeping children safe in Education (KCSIE)’ as: ‘Inappropriate behaviours between children that are abusive in nature including physicalsexual, or emotional abuse, exploitationsexual harassment, all forms of bullying, coercive control, hazing/initiation rituals between children and young people, both on and offline (including that which is within intimate personal relationships)’. It’s essential that all staff understand the importance of challenging inappropriate behaviours between children and young people. Downplaying certain behaviours (for example, dismissing sexual harassment as “just banter”, “just having a laugh”, “part of growing up” or “boys being boys”; or not recognising that emotional bullying can sometimes be more damaging than physical harm and should be taken equally seriously) can lead to a culture of unacceptable behaviours, and an unsafe environment for children.

Bullying – Is defined by the Department of Education as: “Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms (for instance, cyber-bullying via text messages, social media or gaming, which can include the use of images and video) and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups, for example on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, special educational needs or disabilities, or because a child is adopted, in care or has caring responsibilities. It might be motivated by actual differences between children, or perceived differences.”

Racism – Racial discrimination or racism is when someone is treated differently because of their race, ethnicity, nationality or colour. Any type of racism or racial discrimination is abusive and distressing for children and young people who experience or witness it.


Warrington Youth Rowing will provide all Coaches and relevant staff with adequate safeguarding training. They will undergo this training every three years to enable them to carry out their role and responsibilities under this policy.

Individuals within the organisation need to be alert to the potential abuse of CYP both within their families and also from other sources including abuse by the schools, the coaches and other persons affiliated to Warrington Youth Rowing.

All Coaches and Trustees of Warrington Youth Rowing should respond to any suspected or actual abuse of a CYP in accordance with these procedures. It is good practice to be as open and honest as possible with parents/carers about any concerns; however, you must not discuss your concerns with parents/carers in the following circumstances:

  • when sharing relevant information with an appropriate person or authority would increase the risk of harm to the CYP. Therefore a delay in sharing relevant information with parents/carers is agreed to be the safest decision to reduce the risk of harm to CYP.
  • when asking for consent from parents/carers may increase the risk of harm to the CYP, you or anyone else.

Recording of physical abuse

Procedures following allegation or suspicion of abuse.

The person responsible for dealing with allegations of abuse against a CYP is the Trustee responsible for Safeguarding. As of the date of this document the Trustee is Elaine Nesbitt

It is important that CYP are protected from abuse. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously.

This procedure must be followed whenever an allegation of abuse is made or when there is a suspicion that a CYP has been abused.

You might have reason to believe that an CYP is subject to abuse if an allegation of abuse is made by a CYP or a third party:

  • Listen carefully to the CYP and when appropriate use open ended questions, giving them time and attention.
  • Allow the CYP to give a spontaneous account; do not stop a CYP who is freely recalling significant events.

Make no promises to the CYP to keep “secrets” or other such confidentialities but offer reassurance to the CYP you will do whatever is needed to keep them safe.

  • Make a note of the time and date that the allegation was made, the time and date of the incident, who made the allegation, and the nature of the allegation.
  • Record only the facts, preferably in the language/words used by the person making the allegation.
  • If a child reports to you that they are worried about FGM happening, or it has happened, it is important to listen and take their concerns seriously. It is important to then pass on your concerns to their school and to the trustee responsible for safeguarding. If you believe the child is in immediate danger, you should call the police immediately.
  • Report the allegation to The Trustee responsible for Safeguarding immediately — and the person making the allegation will be made aware that this will happen. The person making the allegation will also be made aware that The Trustee responsible for Safeguarding cannot promise not to speak to others about the information they have shared.

If, however, there is a clear and immediate danger to an individual then confidentiality will be broken, and priority given to the safety of that individual.

Reassure the CYP that:

  • you are glad they have told you;
  • they have not done anything wrong;
  • what you are going to do next.
  • Explain that you will need to get help to keep the CYP safe.

CYP should not be required to provide multiple accounts of events within the organisation.


  • Treat all CYP with respect
  • It is preferable to have another adult within sight or hearing whilst you are talking to the CYP. This won’t always be possible.
  • Respect a CYP’’s right to personal privacy
  • Recognise that caution is required when you are discussing sensitive issues with CYP
  • Operate within the organisation’s principles and guidance and any specific procedures
  • Challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations/suspicions of abuse.


  • Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with CYP
  • Give personal opinion or share personal experiences.
  • Allow yourself to be drawn into inappropriate attention-seeking behaviour/ make suggestive or derogatory remarks or gestures in front of CYP
  • Reach conclusions about others without checking facts
  • Either exaggerate or trivialise safeguarding issues
  • Show favouritism to any individual
  • Be Sarcastic or belittle the CYP
  • Use any inappropriate language

You may become concerned about a CYP for a number of reasons, for example:

  • unexplained changes in behaviour or personality
  • becoming withdrawn
  • seeming anxious
  • becoming uncharacteristically aggressive
  • lacks social skills and has few friends, if any
  • poor bond or relationship with a parent/guardian
  • knowledge of adult issues inappropriate for their age
  • running away or going missing
  • always choosing to wear clothes which cover their body
  • unexplained bruising

It is good practice to ask, with open ended questions, why a CYP is upset or how a cut or bruise was caused. It is imperative to respond to a CYP wanting to talk to you. This practice can help clarify concerns and result in appropriate action.

If you are concerned about a CYP you must share your concerns. Initially you should talk to the School Lead and their Safeguarding Department or Warrington Youth Rowing Trustee Responsible for Safeguarding. You should make a note of your concerns and any actions agreed following your discussion with the School Lead and Safeguarding Department or Warrington Youth Rowing Trustee responsible for Safeguarding.


In the instance of a disclosure / allegation or a suspicion with the CYP’s permission (or the permission of the person making the allegation) Warrington Youth Rowing will contact the school then if deemed necessary social care services or the police. If the CYP refuses permission (or it is not possible to get permission) it will be explained that the seriousness of the situation is such that we will need to consider breaching our principle of client confidentiality. The Trustee responsible for Safeguarding will immediately contact the national NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 where experts will advise on the most appropriate course of action to take.


The Trustee responsible for Safeguarding is responsible for making sure any CYP safeguarding issues are responded to correctly.

All Coaches should:

  • Know about signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Know about how abusers (perpetrators) behave
  • Ask about training if you don’t know these things

Attend mandatory safeguarding training

  • Report any allegations to the Trustee responsible for Safeguarding
  • Know how to respond if a CYP talks to them about abuse.
  • Be informed about help lines and other sources of help for CYP.
  • Make sure they have a copy of the Child and Young Person Safeguarding Policy and have understood it.
  • No Trustee or Coach representing Warrington Youth Rowing will:
  • visit a CYP in their home unless on an official pre-arranged visit.
  • transport a CYP alone in their car unless prior arrangements have been made with the Trustee responsible for Safeguarding or the School even in a medical emergency when an ambulance should be called
  • make any comments with sexual overtones
  • allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form
  • allow a CYP to use inappropriate language unchallenged
  • lend money to, or borrow money or possessions, from a CYP
  • agree to make any purchases, or undertake any financial transactions, on behalf of the CYP

In accordance with Warrington Youth Rowing standard procedures all Coaches, will be subject to a vetting process with the following elements:

  • They will complete a contact and information form and identity details will be verified against the relevant identification.
  • They will be interviewed by the appropriate Trustees of Warrington Youth Rowing.
  • Online searches will be done as part of the recruitment process.
  • They will be checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service
  • They will be required to provide the required documents for the role
  • Appropriate advice will be sought about recruiting someone with a criminal record.
  • We want the staff to feel comfortable and able to discuss matters that they are worried about or have concerns.


Updated: January 2024

Next review: January 2025